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Sunday, May 08, 2005

This is the tree house my friends Posted by Hello


Anonymous said...


does that thing straddle the chain link fence? hmm... i hope there aren't any impalings in your future...

better toss in some rain swollen porno mags too. get those boys started off right!

Anonymous said...

There are certain childhood fantasies you'll never fulfill, such as marrying your fifth-grade teacher and subsisting solely on Lucky Charms. The treehouse you always wanted, however, you can have. As a grown-up, you could make one yourself, and shatter every building code in existence, or you could call in the experts. Since 1997, a Seattle concern called the Treehouse Workshop has built about 30 arborial manors from Washington to Massachusetts. Its treehouses, which price from $60,000 to the sky, are marvels of improvisational design, cleverly adapted to the trees they're made for.