I have been working for various local catering companies on-and-off, part-time for almost a decade.
One of the things I love about catering, especially as a stay-at-home-dad, is that it pays very well and the hours are flexible.
Another thing I love about it is that it is never the same twice. Each shift is always almost entirely different than the shift you worked before it. Sure you can find yourself working at the same venues over and over again but rarely
does one shift ever duplicate another.
Last weekend I worked a pool party at a house in a gated community called The Governor's Club (http://www.governorsclub.com/). They were an older couple, recently married, with no kids. It turned out ot be a work party get-together set up by the hostess to entertain her new co-workers. Nice people.
But a lot of times when you find yourself in these kinds of situations you find you notice the oddest things. In this case, it was the fact the the couple had a Porche and a Hummer in their driveway yet a 12-year-old dishwasher that barely worked.
And I think, "You've got hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of car - and car insurance - outside, a huge house with a pool, flat screen tv and marble counters in the kitchen, yet you have a dishwasher that is a piece of shit?"
It's best not to think these things over for too long, but sometimes, when you are stuck in the lull between serving food and bussing it, you've got nothing better to do than to question that which surrounds you.
Tonight I work at party at this old mansion in downtown Durham (http://www.greystone.info/history.htm) and - due to the sheer volume of steps - it is not the most pleasant place to work. Not to mention it is rumored to be haunted by a little girl. Oh and did I forget to add Tropical Storm Ernesto has just passed through?