During my recent excursion with my boys to the old neighborhood, I took them to The Cave.
We had gone there before with their cousins and my brother - the place is part of the local lore of the area (at least it was for me and my brother growing up) so when we got to Maryland it is a must-see attraction.
On a cold morning after Thanksgiving, we made are way down the path to where the cave lives, walking briskly to stave of the shivers.
They wanted to climb to the top, like they have done before, so we did.
When we got to the top the place was littered with empty beer cans and bottles. And of course, there was years worth of party phrases carved into the bark of the surrounding trees. I snapped a photo of this gem.
My 10-year-old said, "Does that mean because we are on top of the hill?"
He took a long pause glancing at the ground and then said, "Or does it mean high on alcohol?"
"A little of both," I said.
I guess it is time to have that talk with him.
When did you have that talk with your kids?