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Thursday, March 08, 2012

A Thankless Job

This post goes out to all the educators in the world.

It's a thankless job.

But some love it and do it with enthusiasm.

Despite the paltry salaries they earn.

Why do we not invest more in those who will inform, educate and guide the young minds of tomorrow?

I digress.

Anyway, my current elementary school-aged son (red shirt, peace sign) wanted to go to March Madness night where the staff played the fifth graders in a basketball game.

Again, I could digress on basketball right here but I won't.

But what impressed me the most was that my oldest son, and his best friend from across the street, really wanted to go to their old elementary school to see their 5th grade teacher play hoops (because baseball is really his thing).

And they did.

And they took this photo.

And I told their former teacher what a beautiful thing it was that he made such an impact on them last year that they wanted to return to see him in action.

It's easy to hate school. And your teacher.

Liking your teacher means liking to learn and for this I would like to say thank you to any or all of the public school teachers out there who care and connect with their students.

Well, just not like this.