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Thursday, December 06, 2007

A Task Of Herculean Proportions

Well maybe many tasks but starting with the show my band played last night, I will either have to work a catering gig or play with my band 11 out of the next 13 days.

That's pretty brutal if I may put it bluntly: Imagine getting up with your kids at 7:30am everyday, making them breakfast (and lunch for school), doing household chores for the next few hours while Number 2 is at playschool (and writing to meet deadlines), entertaining both kids afterschool until dinner (which I will have to make) and then head off to work some party until God knows when (or in the case of last night play in some smoky club until God knows when). Then come home and pray for a good night's sleep so you can wake up and start the whole process over again... like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day.

This is my life right now.

In two weeks I'm sure I'll be writing about having bronchitis or the flu or some shit.

I'm smart enough to wade through the waters with caution but being dead dog tired doesn't ward off the cooties very well.


Anonymous said...

greg -

where are you guys playing. let me know.

maybe having a friendly face in the crowd will help.


Unknown said...

last night was reservoir bar in carrboro. tomorrow is duke coffeehouse in durham. next friday in nighlight in chapel hill on rosemary

HoorayForSaturday said... get to sleep until 7:30am? Wow, the party starts at 6am over here. I don't have to/get to live the rock and roll lifestyle at night. It's just me and my little friend insomnia hanging out until 3am. I'm working on a list of stuff that I am going to take up after the holiday season is done. One thing on the list, hand paint birdhouses. Yes, it's kind of sassy.
Don't think about getting sick, just rawk (the hip spelling?).

Unknown said...

i used to rise at 6am but my early riser is my oldest son and now he's 7 so he just gets up and gets himself a snack and watches ESPN until I wake up and then have to get his sleepyheaded 4-year-old little brother up.

and it's not insomnia, it's called getting your own personal time.